Sing the Greatness

Lyrics & Music by Darby Hughes


Sing the greatness of our Maker
Hear creation calling us to praise
The mountains rising in His honor
Peals of thunder roaring his acclaim
Every flowing current rushing on
To carry us to grateful song
Sing the greatness of our Maker
Sing aloud the greatness of our God

Sing the goodness of the Father
Who withholds no good thing from our hands
He show’rs his children with his favor
In compassion, hears and understands
For he knows our frame, that we are dust
And leads us into peace and trust
Sing the goodness of the Father
Sing aloud the greatness of our God

Sing the mercy of the Savior
Man of Sorrows, stricken for our sin
The Sovereign, over all, forever
Bruised to crush the foe and bring us in
Without cost or merit, come receive
The riches of His grace and peace
Sing the mercy of the Savior
Sing aloud the greatness of our God

Sing the power of the Spirit
Breathing life to sinners in the grave
His Word, accomplishing His purpose
Pierces soul and spirit like a blade
Come and purge our hearts from every stain
O purify us for Your praise
Sing the power of His Spirit
Sing aloud the greatness of our God

©2021 Darby Hughes